We assist in times of natural disasters or other emergencies, as called upon by the governor or the adjutant general. The Ohio Naval Militia is here, and ready to serve the citizens of Ohio.
Our current mission is to patrol the waters adjacent to the Camp Perry Joint Training Center, to keep vessels from entering the impact area during live-fire exercises.
This mission supports the State of Ohio and the U.S. Department of Defense by allowing the range to operate without interruption as armed service personnel perform weapons qualifications as part of their training or prior to deployment .
By conducting continuous training in boat operations on and off the water members have opportunities to become coxswains (boat operators) and boat crew qualified. Our sailors receive basic military and boating training including basic navigation, radio communications, boating safety, boat handling, maintenance and boating support functions.
All ONM training hours are documented and can be applied toward obtaining a captain's license from the U.S. Coast Guard.